Alright, first day of Independent Programming was a success!
Brought my own iMac to class and was able to program on a mac amidst a lab full of pc desktops.(I'll have to post a pic of it sometime) An hour and a half provided sufficient time for me to get a bunch of work done. I have implemented two types of events that can occur. NpcEvents - Called when interacting with Npc, and ItemEvents - Called when stepping on an item, picking it up, using it, or discarding it. This allows the game to do many unique things at different times.
The item system is very near completion. I just need to program in the interface with drawing commands instead of having it as a static png image.
Hey WarHampster, I pressed Review and stuck up my files on the repository but I believe it only added new files. I don't think it updated the other files which I had edited. Should I press commit or erase all old files and upload all the new files?
Ah, almost forgot. The technology department which consists of around 4-5 teachers that specialize in different computer related tasks control all things tech at the school. I believe I know every one of them and Mr. Holborn wants me to look into XNA studio in Independent Programming as I'm skilled in Visual Studio. Yes, XNA studio is a pluggin that will allow me to program in Visual Studio as usual. Though the catch is that I'll be programming in C# which is easier than Obj-C and I'll be programming for the XBox(or Zune if wanted). At times(possibly later than sooner) I may be switching on and off working on the iPhone and XBox platform. The goal of this is to understand it and transfer my knowledge to Mr. Holborn. Possibly through this we will create a computer/technology club at my highschool. So yes, at times I will be turning to the dark side.