This is a little off topic game - You basically post 12 random and irrellevant things that no one knows about you. I'll start.
12. Â I own an expensive tennis racquet and my forehand is EPIC.
11. Â As a job later in my life, I want to be a director.
10. I don't like rice. Really. I only eat sticky rice. The sushi kind.
9. I used to play guitar. Then Piano. Now I DJ.
8. I'm a TWIN... imagine that?!
7. I once got 99 in english. WHY NOT 100?!?
6. I let a tarantula and a massive millipede sit on my face, and it rocked.
5. I took part in a scheme that involved checking out library books under other peoples names... hilariously titled books.
Name Here? You have one overdue book, Wet Wet Noodles"
4. Hand me any "Magic Eye" puzzle and I can do it in 5 seconds.
3. I've never had any use for a cell phone. I know, crazy? But yeah, never seen any use for it.
2. I can't ski, but I'm learning.
1. Basketball used to be a hobby of mine. That's before I realized I wasn't tall enough.
Of course, I could do many more, but 12 is enough. Lets learn about our fellow GMG'ers!