Developer Tools
Having a problem converting a song to another format? Perhaps you need some graphics and can't draw even a stick figure? Or maybe you just need a place to upload your latest creation? This is the right place to be!Here are tools designed to make your life easier. Take a gander and explore all the fantabulous developer tools!To submit your own developer tool to this page, click the "Submit Content" button in the navigation bar.
This is similar to FreeSound but it has artwork and sprites and tiles.
This site is an impressive and growing collection of free sounds from it's users. You'll find almost any sound you need with the search here.
A revamped version of the Roguesoft tile set (incomplete).
The original set of tile sprites that made Roguesoft famous.
GifBuilder is a freeware scriptable utility for creating animated GIF files. Runs in either OS 9 or OS X.
Free, powerful painting program that also lets you create single image files, animated GIFs, or a QuickTime movie.
Freeware application by Norman Franke. SoundApp can play or convert sound files in a variety of formats including wav, MIDI, AIF, snd resource, System 7/MacOS 8 sound, MPEG audio, and more.
Simple program that will record a sound and save it as a sound file that can be imported into GameMaker.
Awesome GameMaker add-on program created by Mike Richardson of SilverNetworks. This lets you create 2 player games over the internet using GameMaker as the game engine.
Plugin for users of GameMaker 3.2.3 or better. It downloads a single file via HTTP according to information that you specify--a URL, a local file name, and a type (0 for text; 1 for binary data such as pictures). GMhttp will download the file transpa
GM Toolkit is a suite of accessories to assist GM developers. It verifies and formats scripts, compresses graphics, manages sounds, customizes compiled games, and edits game saves. In addition, online help and bug reporting is included. GMT requires
A wiki page describing all the features of GameMaker, including examples.
Edit, make, and convert your images in this all-in-one graphics application.
FileDropper gives you the ability to upload games up to 5GB in size.
Beachware has compiled 5,000 sounds for free use. (non-commercial)
Charas is a free RPG Character Generator
Takes any game for MacOS 9 or earlier, and makes it playable on MacOS X.