OK. Here it is again. This doesn't write the entire story to the file, but you get the idea. The FILEIO stuff should actually be after the entire story is viewed (it's shown on 3 cards in the game). This is card 2 where the story begins.
IF set = 0 THEN
set = 1
ALERT The word in Quotations () is an example.
name1$ = USERASK Enter a name. (Frodo)
name2$ = USERASK Enter another name. (Sam)
Subject1$ = USERASK Enter a Subject. (Destroying the Ring)
badthing1$ = USERASK Enter a Catastrophe. (Earthquake)
place1$ = USERASK Enter a Place. (Isengard)
place2$ = USERASK Enter another Place. (Mordor)
disease1$ = USERASK Enter a terrible deasease. (Small Pox)
phrase1$ = USERASK Enter a phrase. (Yay Jellibeans)
phrase2$ = USERASK Enter another phrase. (I got to go to the Bathroom)
food1$ = USERASK Enter a bad tasting food. (Pizza with Cigar butts)
phrase3$ = USERASK Enter yet another phrase. (I love you)
adjective1$ = USERASK Enter a word to describe someone. (Intellectual)
crime1$ = USERASK Enter a crime. (Bank Robbing)
x1$ = "One day in " + place1$
x1$ = x1$ + " "
x1$ = x1$ + name1$
x1$ = x1$ + " was giving a speech on"
buffer$ = " "
PRINT $x1$$;
PRINT $buffer$$;
x2$ = subject1$ + " when suddenly a violent "
x2$ = x2$ + badthing1$
x2$ = x2$ + " came through killing everyone in "
x2$ = x2$ + place1$
x2$ = x2$ + "."
PRINT $x2$$;
PRINT $buffer$$;
x3$ = " Only " + name1$
x3$ = x3$ + " and his friend "
x3$ = x3$ + name2$
x3$ = x3$ + " were left alive. They said to each other"
PRINT $x3$$;
PRINT $buffer$$;
x4$ = phrase1$ + " and then they went to "
x4$ = x4$ + place2$
PRINT $x4$$
PRINT $buffer$$;
' the FILEIO stuff should actually be at the end of the entire story.
yesno = YESNOALERT Do you want to save your story to a text file?
IF yesno = 1 THEN
userask$ = USERASK Save the file as:
IF userask$ <> "" THEN
FILEIO OUTPUT 1 $userask$$
FILEIO WRITE 1 $x1$$ $x2$$ $x3$$ $x4$$