Uh, I'd just take the hard drive out and put it in an external case to use as an external firewire drive for when you get a new computer...
Yeah, that sounds good to me. The "when" might be a few aeons from now though.
It's good to hear progress on the text adventure and Tides of Faiden, though sorry for your computer. By the way, what kind of computer is it? Is it a small problem? Is there another computer you can gain access to just as easily as you use to?
Your three questions shall be answered in the humorous form of 3 more questions:
- Am I mad enough to use a PC?
- "WARNING: Flesh eating zombie virus detected in hard drive. Open iTunes?"
- Would I survive a full week without internet?
Hehehe... in
actual answer to your questions: It's one of the old iBooks, the model before the term MacBook took over. I'm not sure of the specs without turning the computer on, which I don't wanna risk doing.
As for how bad the problem is, I doubt it's worth spending money on fixing as something else is sure to go wrong with it soon. I got my iBook approximately 3 years ago and it's been plugged in and switched on since I took it out of the box. ;D The battery life is less than a minute and now the screen backlight is failing daily. Still, it served me well over the years.
I'll be able to access the internet on my dad's computer, it's just a matter of transferring my files to it.
Sorry about the computer :(
Hurray indeed! :D (I didn't want to leave yours as the only comment un-quoted)