Sure, I could try,
I know a half decent bit about it, but if I had to make a suggestion, I would say just use the Jquery Library (, they have a pretty comprehensive documentation, but I can explain something if it is confusing.
Anyways, I really do like your avatar, and should probably make a new one for myself as well. is moving hosts atm (2nd anniversary, wewt!) so I may be busy sorting that stuff out.
On the brighter side, I have an idea for a game I am gonna make to say "Hi" back to the GMG. I won't tell you guys much about it atm because I really don't know how or if its gonna turn out. I am about to get started on it now.
anyways, its great to see you again and links to important threads would be great!
EDIT: oh, I can't believe myself, I missed this in the original post
I'm working on an online sequel to Epicus which will hopefully incorporate multiplayer gameplay.
Multiplayer Epicus! AWESOME
I doubt I can help you (My coding skills have significantly dulled), but if I can, I will do my best because that sounds awesome