Topic:   cancelled projects?   (Read 14085 times)

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Re: cancelled projects?
« Reply #30 on: March 04, 2010, 07:55:06 PM »
I got bored of free roaming through the many months of developing ToF. The two player aspect was the only hook left, and even that doesn't entice me to pick up from the old build. Story progression actually does a fair bit towards keeping me motivated.
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Re: cancelled projects?
« Reply #31 on: April 13, 2011, 06:21:15 PM »
I've always planned to release my Roguesoft folder one day, complete with every project, every graphic, every resource and every note within it for all to dissect. Not today though, I'm to busy to upload all of my unfinished projects. Here's a screenshot of my unfinished projects though:

If you pick out a couple I'll try to post them in the week. :)

Whilst that's certainly a very impressive track record, it's not at all uncommon for developers to accumulate unfinished projects. Veterans will often work and rework an idea spinning dozens of unfinished projects before settling on a final build. Quest of Magic for example was my first polished RPG, but it certainly wasn't my initial vision. My initial vision was a direct sequel to Epicus with an identical engine, but along the way I implemented grid navigation (and the project became Spooky Castle) random enemies and an inventory (Moonfable) and finally enemies on the overworld (Quest of Magic). My goal of an RPG stayed consistent, but the game's overall shape changed as I experimented with various engines, and thus my many unfinished projects.

As creator of Silmar Jeff Mather once told me: "My best advice to you regarding game programming would be to not try to program the entire game at once.  Do it one area (or level) at a time.  The first area will take the longest, unfortunately (as I'm sure you already know by now), but after it's done you can decide whether the game's concept is worth spending more time on, or whether you should start over with something else.  If the game is a keeper, then expand it one full area at a time. The main idea is to reduce the risk of your wasting large amounts of time on ideas that don't pan out.  Also, if you need to quit for some other reason, you'll at least have something working that you can show to others."
You definitely should. I'd thoroughly enjoy looking through it.


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Re: cancelled projects?
« Reply #32 on: April 13, 2011, 06:42:46 PM »
This is an engine I was working on for a little while. It uses Max2D for rendering. Theres a windows version too, but no point posting that here. Also ignore the terrible, weird and confused sprite set. Yes I am aware half of it is stickmen, and theres no attack animation for anything other than down. And yes I am also aware you cant die, thats because I never made a dead animation so I just put a stub as the die method. Oh yeh, arrows are move, space is attack. On the upside the test region you start in is 5000x5000 tiles big and has 1000 AI on it, it runs fine on even my notebook! And even if it runs at 0.5 frames a second, delta time makes it always run at the same speed. Ahhhh algorithms class.. you have taught me so much.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 06:51:27 PM by x »


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Re: cancelled projects?
« Reply #33 on: April 13, 2011, 06:59:42 PM »
Hehe. He's naked.

Nice work.  :)


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Re: cancelled projects?
« Reply #34 on: April 14, 2011, 12:12:44 AM »
Hehe. He's naked.

Nice work.  :)

Thanks, its not really anything special :(. I never got far with it.


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Re: cancelled projects?
« Reply #35 on: April 14, 2011, 12:54:18 AM »
I'll try to package the Roguesoft folder later today. I recon I'm officially retired now.
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Re: cancelled projects?
« Reply #36 on: April 14, 2011, 03:23:14 PM »
@Silverwind: Are all those games made in GM? I find it hard to imagine "Racing Game" being in Game maker.
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Re: cancelled projects?
« Reply #37 on: April 21, 2011, 09:40:31 AM »
I recon I'm officially retired now.
silverwind retired? t'is a sad day :'(


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Re: cancelled projects?
« Reply #38 on: April 21, 2011, 10:57:20 AM »
Whoops! I forgot all about it. I'll try to package them tonight.

@Silverwind: Are all those games made in GM? I find it hard to imagine "Racing Game" being in Game maker.
Yup! All of them are ideas and concepts started in GM, but very few are even playable. Some of them are cool though.

silverwind retired? t'is a sad day :'(
Aye, I remember all too well remarking one sunny afternoon a few years ago: "I'll never stop game making! NEVER!!!" But alas, there's not enough time in the day to do everything. I've become a new man since hearing the gospel.

I left Ireland one day to visit my dying grandad who I barely knew, he turns out to be a vicar, explains God to me in such a way and with such simplicity that I make a commitment on his deathbed and ask Christ into my life, the next thing you know my grandad passes away rejoicing, I'm still in England, don't know where to go or what to do next, walk into church one morning and BAM: whole new life begins.

Now I'm a youth worker at the local parish and spend all of my time preaching, learning, rejoicing, and generally having a riot in the most righteous sense of the word. God has overcome everything that stood in the way of us having an awesome and eternal relationship with Him. Because Jesus took the rap for all the bad things we did and continue to do, God doesn't have to punish us for it; He gave His own perfect Son to ensure our safety, that's how much He loves us.

You can talk to God anytime and He'll listen to you and answer you. If you don't believe in God or if you want to believe in God but don't know how, or even if you believe God's up there somewhere but you don't have a personal relationship with Him (a relationship where you're talking, laughing, singing, asking guidance and basking in the knowledge of how great and awesome He is everyday), ask Jesus to come into your life. That's all you have to do, God will do the rest, and He gets working straight away.

God is your father, He moulded ever nook and cranny in your nostrils and He knows you better than you do yourself. He wants you to know Him just as much, so why not jump for joy right now and say "Cor blimey! I SO want eternal life! Thanks for being such an awesome God and paying the penalty for my sins. I'm sorry I do wrong and all that, but thanks for loving me just the same! Please come into my life and help me live it to the full. Amen!"

So anyways, I hope this explains why I've been busy over the last two years. ;D
Blessings in Christ! (and please ask questions if you have any)
« Last Edit: April 21, 2011, 11:05:51 AM by Silverwind »
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Re: cancelled projects?
« Reply #39 on: April 21, 2011, 12:36:48 PM »
do you believe the whole 'noahs arc' thing? i just cant believe that, even when i was 8 years old and my mom was teaching me this stuff i just couldnt believe that

how do you explain the other species of humans- the cromagnan, neanderthal, ect.- that us homosapians whiped off the face of the earth? did god create them too?

do you believe in dinosaurs? there IS alot of evedence that dinosaurs existed before humans. the bible seems unaware of dinosaurs

how do you explain the evidence that species such as humans evolve over time and possibly came from fish? while the bible says god just created people out of thin air

how could god 'give' his own perfect son? first of all, arent all men created equal? second, how could god give birth to a human? wouldnt he give birth to another god? my own question is rediculous cause gods dont give birth, they dont even exist in the physical world

i believe life is hard, and most of all, its complex, and lots of people dont have the capacity to make sense of it, the bible helps fill in the blanks for these people. i think to believe the bible you have to be somewhat inexperienced or sheltered which is probly why religion is more popular in rural areas

i believe in god, but nothing in the bible makes any sense. im not against religion though as it has a positive influence on people

but seriously, WHY was jesus put here? why was he given these magical powers to cure any illness? if this were REAL the answer would be, to prove that there is a higher power that is watching us which forces us to behave ourselves in fear of being judged in the after-life ... and give him money

« Last Edit: April 21, 2011, 12:54:43 PM by EqwanoX »


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Re: cancelled projects?
« Reply #40 on: April 21, 2011, 03:16:51 PM »
Dinosaurs were made up by the FBI to discourage time-travel.
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Re: cancelled projects?
« Reply #41 on: April 21, 2011, 05:38:07 PM »
Hope you guys don't mind me giving some of my thoughts.

Dinosaurs were made up by the FBI to discourage time-travel.
Haha.  ;D

do you believe the whole 'noahs arc' thing? i just cant believe that, even when i was 8 years old and my mom was teaching me this stuff i just couldnt believe that
Just a large flood with a guy riding in a large boat with quite a few animals.

how do you explain the other species of humans- the cromagnan, neanderthal, ect.- that us homosapians whiped off the face of the earth? did god create them too?
The Bible actually does explain different humans. There were giants. (Remember Goliath?) So I'm pretty sure if we had giants, and we have midgets now, it makes sense the we have bones of a few different humans.

do you believe in dinosaurs? there IS alot of evedence that dinosaurs existed before humans. the bible seems unaware of dinosaurs
There are references to large creatures such as the Leviathan in the Bible. May be related to the bible. But my guess is the large flood wiped out most of the dinos.

how do you explain the evidence that species such as humans evolve over time and possibly came from fish? while the bible says god just created people out of thin air
That's darwinian theory. Current evidence is kinda destroying it. Darwin went to the Galápagos islands and noticed that the finch had changed it's beak from small to long in a short time. From that, he expanded and formed the theory that if a bird can change it's beak why can't it change it's legs and color and possibly become a flamingo? Or maybe a single celled organism change to become a human being?
The only problem was when Darwin had noticed this happen. The finches changed their beak due to a climate change that required longer beaks to survive. Therefore it was an act of natural selection. Though a few years after Darwin made this theory, the climate went back to normal and the finches had smaller beaks again. No evolution, just really a revolution I suppose.
Bible says God made man out of Earth(ground).

how could god 'give' his own perfect son? first of all, arent all men created equal? second, how could god give birth to a human? wouldnt he give birth to another god? my own question is rediculous cause gods dont give birth, they dont even exist in the physical world
All men aren't created equal, they usually vary in looks, skin color, height, clothes, and mental capabilities.
I'm pretty sure God didn't give birth. The Holy Spirit impregnated Mary. The Holy Spirit is God and is a part of God. Now Jesus is God and is a man. Jesus's powers on Earth came from God, such as with the Disciples when they could heal using God's name.
God could probably easily exist in the physical world, why? Cause he made it.

i believe life is hard, and most of all, its complex, and lots of people dont have the capacity to make sense of it, the bible helps fill in the blanks for these people. i think to believe the bible you have to be somewhat inexperienced or sheltered which is probly why religion is more popular in rural areas
There are so many bright, worldy people who strive to know and do and experience more. But there's something missing. The Bible is the answer, Jesus can fill that. I'd have to say the Bible is more of the people who are searching for an answer, people who won't stop at the first suggestion made by some guy with a fancy title.

i believe in god, but nothing in the bible makes any sense. im not against religion though as it has a positive influence on people
We can help iron some of that confusion out.


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Re: cancelled projects?
« Reply #42 on: April 21, 2011, 05:38:22 PM »
but seriously, WHY was jesus put here? why was he given these magical powers to cure any illness? if this were REAL the answer would be, to prove that there is a higher power that is watching us which forces us to behave ourselves in fear of being judged in the after-life ... and give him money
Jesus was sent here to save us from going to Hell. It's quite a long story but bear with me:
In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. He filled them with all sorts of stuff.(Plants, animals, ect) In 6 days. Rested on the 7th. Ya know, cause making a universe can sure take some out of ya. Then he made Adam from the dust. Adam was to name the animals and stuff. The God made Eve from one of Adam's ribs. (Which reminds me, ribs would be quite tasty right now)
Now there's this angel, beautiful angel. Of the highest rank that was in charge of making the most beautiful music. He was jealous. Of God. Cause God rocks and made the universe. He wanted to be the big man. So he got a buncha angels together and well, God wasn't too happy. God made a special place for them, called Hell. Kicked all the evil angels outta heaven. Those angels were Lucifer(Satan) and 1/3 of the angels in heaven. So when kicked out they just got Hell and Earth to go to.
Now Lucifer(Satan) was royally pissed off. He wanted to get back at God. So he temped Eve, got her to bite into a forbidden fruit, she got Adam to bite into it, then they became like God and realized sin. They realized good and bad, they noticed they were naked too. (I'm pretty sure I'd be embarrassed if I was eating something with a friend and noticed I was naked.)
Yeah, so they made some clothes from leaves and when God was going through the forest of Eden he called for them. Of course he already knew what they had done and where they were. Now Adam and Eve were ashamed, Adam sorta blamed Eve and then God said that they have both become like God but because of their sin they can't stay in the garden of Eden. So they got kicked out. And a flaming sword was put to guard Eden. So no one could re-enter.

Now Adam and Eve had introduced sin into the world. That's why everyone sins, and someone with sin can't be with God. So heck, looks like everyone's going to Hell to hang out in eternal burning with Satan.
That's where Jesus comes in.

Jesus, son of both God and woman was sinless. He never did one thing wrong. Kinda amazing. I think I sin quite a few times a day. Jesus was meant to save everyone from going Hell. He was crucified on a cross, and while on it he took everyone's sin to Hell with him. In Hell he endured the blazing torture and unlocked the gates.

Thus people can now go to Heaven. (Yay!) But the only this is....
Jesus won't take your sins. You have to give them to him. He can only accept them if you accept him. Then he'll wipe your sins clean and you can be with God. In Heaven.

And that's why we have Jesus.
Ya know, I don't know what hurt Jesus more. The being crucified, the taking everyone's sins and God having to leave him, or being in the blistering torture of Hell.
All I can say is, Jesus probably endured more pain then any man ever will.

Personal Theory Time!
My theory is that the Earth had a hydrosphere. A part of the atmosphere filled with water. Shielded the Earth against radiation and UV rays. In which things could live forever and thrive. Then in Noah's flood it all came down. Just a theory.

@Silver, that's a great testimony. I grew up Christian though I'd much rather have come to Christ later in life cause you're relationship seems so much fuller and amazing.


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Re: cancelled projects?
« Reply #43 on: April 21, 2011, 08:03:19 PM »
Somebody should split out these off-topic posts into a new thread.  If YaBB even has that functionality.  ::)

Anyway, I got all my old GM projects off my old mac (by putting them in a .sit file first to avoid corruption).  Most of them were pretty bad.  I had a horrible point-n-click RPG called "Xendrox Voyage" where going down a certain path killed you, straight up, with no battle or even any warning.  The only other path in the game led you to a house where you found a cooked whole chicken and a huge gold coin that didn't do anything since there was no way to buy anything.  Ralph.


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Re: cancelled projects?
« Reply #44 on: April 21, 2011, 09:06:22 PM »
Hmm I don't think I can split the thread. I don't want to lock this so... can you guys keep the proselytizing in its own thread? Pleeease.