know that there's been talks of a nationalised healthcare service in America, and the republicans have gone loopy. Normally I wouldn't care, but what takes the biscuit is our health service being called 'evil', with some made up facts and figures in television adverts currently being run in the states.
Can I ask; what is America's fucking problem with free healthcare? The schools are controlled by the state. So are the police departments and fire stations - oh, and the banks, too - healthcare is simply the next step.
These adverts claim that you will not be treated if you are not considered valuable enough - let me correct this by stating that the NHS is primarily used as an emergency medical service rather than a health insurance company. If you need a hip replacement because you have arthiritus, you will have to wait. If someone has fallen down the stairs and broken their hip, then it will be replaced the same day because it is considered an emergency, therefore the arthiritus patient will need to wait.
Let me tell you all a story; when I was young and living in the states, I fell off a stool and sliced my tounge. My mother couldn't just take me to the hospital, oh no, I had to wait as she called the insurance company to make sure which hospital to go to. Fair enough, I was seen very quickly, but the five minute trip to the doctors cost my mother $400. Want more? When I was about to go into school, I had to have an injection for hepatitus B. Fourty god damn bucks - and if mum couldn't pay, then I couldn't go to school.
The American system of healthcare is so inhumane. What kind of society is based off of ability to pay rather than need? A child died of a tooth abcess in the richest country in the world because his mother couldn't afford the medical bill. They happily let people with cancer die because the money in their insurance policy has dried up. What kind of disgusting greedy system is this?
Good fucking lord, I'm pissed off. I seriously hope nobody here agrees with the right-wing crap coming out of the republicans this week.
Phew... well, there's some steam let off. What do you all think about Obama's new healthcare ideas?