I'm not quite following you WarHampster. you mean draw lines between rooms that are already there?
Also a big problem is that I need an easier way to keep track of the details of each room without making thousands of variables. (or 15 different arrays.)
1. Randomly decide on a number of rooms and DIM an array of double that number.
2. Go through the array and put random x and y values in each field of the array.
3. Go through the array and use every pair of fields (ex. (1) and (2) would be a pair) as the coordinates of the center of a room. I assume you have a tilemap done already, carve out all the room centers.
4. Carve out a box of random size around all the room centers.
5. Use a line drawing algorithm to draw lines between all the room centers, storing the coordinates of the points in the lines in an array.
6. Carve out all those points.