There is a brilliant, rich novelist named Van Larry Pinkleness. Late one night, he was up in his den, hunched over a piece of paper at his desk. It has been hours before his pen last moved, he was all out of ideas...
...A week later, he has a beard, and still the pen hadn't moved. And that's when his final string of sanity broke...
Van Larry has a dead line, if his book isn't written by then, people will come searching, if people come searching they will find out he has become insane. If that happens, Van Larry Pinkleness joins the psychotic ward. This is where all of you guys come in. All of you are figments of his demented imagination, you guys have to help him write his novel before the deadline or you all are in deep trouble.
Naturally, what do figments of imagination want to do when writing a story? Write it about them! Try to lead this story to be about you as the main character.Rules: No double posting, the story will be fully posted on this first post. You can only write from 1 to 3 words. The novel must be finished by Aug. 17. Has to be above 500 words. Outline your words in red. No spamming.
The great Gandolf... Here we go!
Once Upon A Time.The great hero named Gandolf once ate seven and a half pounds of rotting turnips that were prepared by Mistron. Gandolf than died never coming back. Then a new great hero was born, colored red. His name was HELLBOY! His real name was Lord Mistron! Then Mistron's eye saved the world and it exploded into a bigillion gooey eye chunks. Mistron healed himself with his magical eye gouging staff and became immortal, but was locked in the vault of eternityness with eighty angry bankers and only $79 remained in his pocket. Swamp7hing saved everyone from a catastrophic earth destroying disaster. "So this is heroic", said Swamp7hing lieing as normal... The End.Word Count: 121 Words So far!!!Events So Far:
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