Welp, like I said, a while back I ported my collision engine and even movement physics and controls from Silver Creator. However, the last time I was working on it I had decided to re-organize most of the code. This was tricky to plan at first and is part of the reason I quit working on the thing for a long time. But I finally made some progress today!
I took Gan's advice and made a controller object which contains a method for game logic and a method for drawing code. Right now there's 2 classes which inherit from controller, the first is used for the menu and the other will be for the game. Not sure yet how to switch between them, I guess that's KIND OF important.
Today all I've done so far is program the menu, but things are looking promising! There's still a few things I have to learn or re-learn to make this setup work. It feels good to work without always asking for help on the forum but I may or may not have to ask Gan for help de-bugging, eventually.