I have these 3 error 2 on sendChat.php Undefined index: chat in C:\wamp\www\PHP Chat\chat\SendChat.php on line 11 and Undefined index: name the other one is also the same in RetrieveChat i'm sorry for asking these i'm a little noob in php and our defense will be in a week so can you help me guys??
Ah, my bad. I forgot to mention, you need to setup an SQL database to conform to the PHP scripts.
You can re-download the scripts, I've added some markings at the top where you need to insert your database info so it'll work.
When you set up the SQL database, you need to make a new database with a table named 'chat'.
The chat table will contain a ID, Date, Username, Text and Action rows.
Do you need help setting up an SQL database?
(May I ask what you're using this for?)