That seems odd. How would you go about fixing it, Mike?
After doing considerable research* I have discovered that the NetPBM project meets the following requirements:
- Can open bitmap PICT files without distortion, and export them in a format which I can read easily.
- MIT licensed code (instead of GPL which would require me to open source all of SilverCreator).
- Compiles for 64-bit Intel into a stand-alone program (no other dependencies)
Therefore, SilverCreator will come bundled with the "picttoppm" portion of NetPBM, which will automatically be used with older projects to import the PICT files.
Saving projects has used PNG for some time now, so this mainly affects v1.5 stuff. It will also be used in my upcoming "GM Cocoaizer" (tentative name).
*This research included me actually writing small Objective-C command line programs that tested several ways to import PICTs and export TIFFs or PNGs. So I have now officially actually written Objective-C Cocoa programs. I did not care much for it. Swift looks a lot better, but ironically suffers from needing to bundle a large runtime library which is literally exactly what Xojo does.