I had a dream last night where Kim Jong Eun came to my house and stayed there. And we tried to be hospitable, but, I mean, he's Kim Jong Eun. It was weird, because we knew that at any point he could kill us (he had a gun) but we couldn't resist randomly bursting out in laughter at him. After a while, we found the real reason he'd come here. He forced us to show him on a map where some treasure was, and then brought us to some ancient Incan temple or something in the middle of the jungle to search for it. The whole dream ended up like Indiana Jones (which makes sense, because I watched Indiana Jones and then the news before bed, thus linking Kim Jong Eun to Indiana Jones).
So there you have it. My adventures with weird dreams. I have managed to lucid dream once or twice, but those are nowhere near as interesting as the dreams I have on a day to day (or should I say night to night) basis. I usually remember my dreams, so if I have any more like that, I'll be sure to post them.