Hey guys, while browsing the internets, I came across an amazing site, and I'm surprised I didn't know about it sooner. It's called SWATCash. It is
NOT a scam either, it looks to be the most polished GPT (Get Paid To...) Â site like this out there.
I'll explain, just incase you guys are skeptical, which you probably are. Once you sign up to the site, you complete surveys and stay on specific websites for periods of time. You also participate in contests (for PS3's, games, and more), and various "video-game" like elements around the site (Missions, Battles, etc). It reminds me of an army game, because depending on how well you are doing on the site, you'll level up and become more important in the community. Eventually, all this stuff leads to a "payout", if you will, where the staff will send you a cheque, or send you money through Paypal, for all the hard work you have done. Its 100% legitimate, I've already made $5.00!
It's got a friendly community, an excellent support staff, a cool "trademark" site look, and an awesome military catch to it. Overall, it's a fun place to be associated with, and an awesome way to make a little extra cash with the spare time I spend on the net.
At first I thought SWATCash was a joke. The more FAQ's and forum posts I read, the more apparent it became that this site is real, and people are making real money from it.
Paypal/Other Account Needed? No, you do not need a paypal/money transfer account. If you have one, that is a way you can accept the money, but otherwise you will receive a cheque via the address you used to sign up. Then you must take the PIN number from that cheque and input it to a verification box on the site, so it verifies you as a real (and not fraudulent) member. You also have to answer a verification phonecall (usinf the phone # you sumbitted to sign up). The phonecall is not by a person, you activate it on the site and a machine calls you with your unique PIN.
But enough ramblings. You do not NEED a paypal/other account.
Costing To Start? Nope. Nothing at all. 100% free. See
http://www.swatcash.com/faqs.php for more info.
Limits On Cash? No limit. I've seen people of the general rank, who have been on since the beginning, with $4000+ earnings. There is basically a contest every day for more money and prizes as well.
Theft/Fraud? These guys have a strict Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy. I read it and it checks out. Not a scam, its legit, and airtight. Your info isn't going anywhere.
So that's it, really. If you're interested in signing up, check out
(I get recruitment points, and you get bonus starting cash!