Found it! Don't say TNT doesn't have its advantages. you the name was silly. But it's fun, try it out.
Back to DevLog:
I'm finishing up navigation part, I want to add doors. But first I'm looking at a freaky glitch. (he skips whole spaces in one area of the screen. What the hell?)
EDIT: Fixing it right now. I'm re-working the logic for seeing where you can walk. I had "for ground = 1 to 2" so I could test for 2 different floor tiles but that looked over the logic twice, so he moved twice if there were 2 floor types in a direction. XD
I also want to use "polygons" for walls now. I just draw over each wall square. That way I can simply say "if the square is in polygon 1 (walls), you can't go there." I can have secrets (squares you can just walk over) and easily more than 1 kind of ground square.
EDIT #2: Success! I can now easily lay out maps, with sets of any number of tiles! I will submit a build when I
make doors work make more objects and things work.
I need to begin working out storing data for separate rooms next, I haven't made a game outside Silver Creator with lots of extra variables. What does every character say, where do doors go, how likely do you get battles and what monsters are there...
Any tips? I'm considering using text files so that it's a separate file but then anyone can go and
screw it all up. I may also find a better way to tell the game how rooms are connected.