I can do sprites, but no programing if this is made in GM. I'm not going to just start submitting stuff... someone needs to tell me what to make.
That's wise and appreciated. Basically we need pictures of fighters and monsters, and it doesn't matter if they don't match the art style of other artists participating. (if we even
get more that is, hehe) The real point of this project is to let people express their creativity, so draw whatever comes into your head, be it werewolf paladins or possessed toilets. If we could get at least 15 combatants for the finished game it would be great, but realistically we should start with 3 or so.
A rough guide for character dimensions is 300 by 300, as that'll allow images to fit in the GM version.
I'm in. Tell me what to do, and expect it to be done pronto.
I program greatly in vb.net and sc, gm a little. I can make it in vb.net and convert to gm.
Don't worry about rushing, you'll have plenty of time for that a few years down the line when you're working for Ubisoft trying to make the deadline for Elder Scrolls IX: Obliteration.
For now a few interface concepts would be useful. We need a canvas for the combatant pictures, a few buttons for attacks and a text field to display stats. I'm gonna attempt a multi client interface with GM. 1 window will display stats, the other for everything else.