Here's the tile types I've programmed into the game so far, there's 18 of them: (which is a big jump from 3, what 1.0.0 had
0 = Empty: The player slides over these.
1 = Wall: The player can't slide over these spaces.
2 = Win: The player wins the level when he lands on this space.
3 = Sticky: The player stops sliding when he lands on this space.
4 = Door: Acts like a Wall.
5 = Door Key: Turns the Door space into an Empty space.
6 = Up Arrow: Pushes the player up.
7 = Down Arrow: Pushes the player down.
8 = Left Arrow: Pushes the player left.
9 = Right Arrow: Pushes the player right.
a = One WayWall-up: Acts like a Wall when the player is moving down. Acts like an Empty space otherwise.
b = One WayWall-down: Acts like a Wall when the player is moving up. Acts like an Empty space otherwise.
c = One WayWall-left: Acts like a Wall when the player is moving right. Acts like an Empty space otherwise.
d = One WayWall-right: Acts like a Wall when the player is moving left. Acts like an Empty space otherwise.
e = Teleporter 1: Teleports the player to Teleporter 2.
f = Teleporter 2: Teleports the player to Teleporter 1.
g = Mirror: Pushes the player in the opposite direction.
h = Spin: Pushes the player in a random direction.
Anything else I should add? I haven't drawn graphics for the spaces yet, but I'm starting that now.
btw, people don't have to worry about coding their levels if they don't know how or don't want to. They could just design the grid picture and I'll code it.