Topic:   UNITY   (Read 8551 times)

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« on: July 27, 2016, 11:44:03 AM »
Soooo I haven't posted on this site in a while, but I though you guys would be interested to know that I've taken a class in the Unity game engine (and learned some more about Blender).

Also, some friends at the Albuquerque Game Developers Guild have started a very interesting project: they have designed an arcade cabinet! It will house a Windows computer with custom software which will be capable of launching a selection of games, and it will be loaded with games made by local developers. It's got joysticks and buttons for 2 players. The plan is to sell it to local businesses for the construction cost, and use it to hopefully get some people interested in the games we're working on.

They had a game-jam a couple of weeks ago and I made a 2 player pong-inspired game where you shoot at the ball with battleships. Unity is fun when you use it for what it was designed to do.

Warning: The above post may have been modified multiple times.

"In a great game, the character must never perfectly obey the user's command"
 - Tim Rogers