Topic:   instant minecraft server   (Read 9059 times)

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GMG Kurt

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instant minecraft server
« on: April 14, 2012, 03:32:25 PM »
so yeh a bud of mine wanted me to send him the plugins for a minecraft server, and a world. So basically he wanted the entire memory bulk of mc, and over skype nonetheless.

so I modified my earlier GM instadownload command for GameHub (which never really took off) into this. I hope you enjoy it

1.) put file into desktop
2.) type 'cd ~/Desktop' into the command line (without quotations)
3.) type 'chmod +x server.command'
4.) then type './server.command' in and watch my batch fly solo, create, and then start up an awesome server

NOTE: now you can start your server by mearly typing 'server' into your command line.

1.) I don't know what a command line is
-the command line is a text based interface to use your computer, and it used to be the only way to use it. on a mac you can use either Terminal or X11. which are applications inside the utilities folder in your applications folder

2.) I can't find terminal
-please consult google

3.) what about CMD
-that is the pc command line

4.) I can't use this on my pc
-thats cause it's mac only, I'll make it for pc later.

5.) why does this minecraft world suck
-it doesn't you do

EDIT: please notice how small the file is, and how big it becomes
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 12:11:46 PM by GMG Kurt »
Just your average Weekend Warrior.
Yes I know I have bad spelling, it's what makes me such a good programmer!

"Old art, weather magnificent or wretched, is always the raw material of new art. The artist's job, though, is to


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Re: instant minecraft server
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2012, 05:50:45 PM »
I just tried to run this and.. Here's what I entered and what it said:

Theresas-iMac:Desktop mcharneys$ ./server.command
-bash: ./server.command: Permission denied

Double clicking the file itself bring up an error - " do not have appropriate access privileges".
Warning: The above post may have been modified multiple times.

"In a great game, the character must never perfectly obey the user's command"
 - Tim Rogers


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Re: instant minecraft server
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2012, 07:18:26 PM »
Yeah, the link in the batch script is dead.

To set up the server you need to get the minecraft aerver bukkit jar.

GMG Kurt

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Re: instant minecraft server
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2012, 12:11:11 PM »
huh thats weird  ???
it did it to me too. I'll find a way to permanently do that, but I'll just add another step to the directions to circumvent that. (edited at the top)

EDIT: also you should get logmein hamachi if your computer isn't already port-forwarded and don't know how to do it
Just your average Weekend Warrior.
Yes I know I have bad spelling, it's what makes me such a good programmer!

"Old art, weather magnificent or wretched, is always the raw material of new art. The artist's job, though, is to

GMG Kurt

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Re: instant minecraft server
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2012, 08:31:37 PM »
did the new directions work for anybody? I never got any responses  ???
Just your average Weekend Warrior.
Yes I know I have bad spelling, it's what makes me such a good programmer!

"Old art, weather magnificent or wretched, is always the raw material of new art. The artist's job, though, is to


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Re: instant minecraft server
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2012, 10:07:25 AM »
Well, apparently you never will, either...  ::)
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