There needs to be a runtime made specifically for SilverCreator, to handle mundane tasks common to all games.
For example, instead of outputting the code to handle SPRITESTOUCHING every time that command is used, the runtime should have a method to handle that command, which can accept parameters such as which sprite number is involved.
Some things that you take for granted in Cocoa are written differently in REALbasic. These things must be rewritten in the runtime to act the same as in REALbasic. For example, although Cocoa may have some better way to determine sprite collisions, we must determine them identically to how the current REALbasic Runtime does so. Otherwise, cross-platform computer & phone games will not work correctly, and you will not be able to rely on the built-in debugging.
Another example would be networking code. We must implement the EZProtocol system so iOS and computer versions of the game may interoperate with command sockets. This should be done beforehand.
The biggest problem I can see right now is math support. SilverCreator uses left to right processing of math, while other languages will typically process in PEMDAS order.