Game Maker's Garage Forum

Game Creation => Other Languages & Tools => Topic started by: Gnome on September 17, 2008, 07:56:59 PM

Title: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: Gnome on September 17, 2008, 07:56:59 PM
I've always had a dream to make a game for Iphone/itouch. It requires a knowledge of C and Cocca (I think) I don't want to pay for Apple's tutorials. So does anyone know any good sites.
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: Mystor on September 17, 2008, 11:07:26 PM
I've always had a dream to make a game for Iphone/itouch. It requires a knowledge of C and Cocca (I think) I don't want to pay for Apple's tutorials. So does anyone know any good sites.
It requires Objective-C (Which I do not know, More like C thain C++ though) and Cocoa (Touch) libraries which are bundled with xTools.

I don't know about how to use them...


Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: Gan on October 24, 2008, 02:32:47 PM
Sorry from dredging up a old topic, but I didn't notice this topic before and if you are still interested, I will answer most of your questions:

I've always had a dream to make a game for Iphone/itouch. It requires a knowledge of C and Cocca (I think) I don't want to pay for Apple's tutorials. So does anyone know any good sites.

First off, I don't believe any of the tuts cost anything, I use them freely.
Second, it does need a knowledge of C and Cocoa, but they are easy to learn if you can understand simple programming.

If you don't have Xcode, just say so and I will give you a link, and in the help menu of Xcode is a whole library of tuts that show you how to do anything you want to do.

Also, if you want to learn it and have aim or msn, just post it here(In a format spam people won't understand) and I will teach you what I all know about it.

Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: alias on November 25, 2008, 07:01:59 PM
the help menu of Xcode is a whole library of tuts that show you how to do anything you want to do.

HAHAH its so cryptic its like some riddle out of lord of the rings
thats why i gave up on objective C, im moving to bigger, simpler and easier to pick up things.
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: WarHampster on November 25, 2008, 07:03:12 PM
Yeah... Apple's tutorials are notoriously terrible.
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: alias on November 25, 2008, 07:05:12 PM
C++ is slightly easier to learn due to the VAST amount of tutorials on it. Its also support on Xcode!

The problem comes with finding the right libraries and extentions etc, its so confusing.
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: Gan on September 20, 2009, 07:57:46 PM
Hey guys, I'm looking to Obj-C and all I can really do is make a calculator.
Do you guys know any game creation Obj-C/Xcode tutorials?

Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: WarHampster on September 20, 2009, 08:03:54 PM
Suggestion - don't bother learning objective c. It's only good for mac and iPhone apps... I think it's much better to learn a language that is suited to multiple platforms, like C or C++. You don't even need to use Obj-C on the iPhone... you can use C++, and I think someone figured out how to use Haxe.
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: Gan on September 20, 2009, 09:01:45 PM
Yeah I see your point, though I gotta start small. Once I get the gist of Xcode + Obj-C I can move on to multi-platform C/C++. Until then, I'll just have to take small steps.
So... I'm thinking of learning how to make a small RPG similar to Yipe in Xcode, make some basic graphics(probably stick figures), and a simple little storyline. Maybe dabble in TCP/IP chat room programming. Once I get very familiar with it I'll step higher.
Though I need a starting point. That starting point is how to draw an image in a window. Then I can learn to do keyboard input, read/write files, networking, and sound. Then I can move on once I feel good enough.
Though I need your help.

Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: Gan on September 20, 2009, 09:33:57 PM
Check it out guys:

Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: WarHampster on September 20, 2009, 09:59:16 PM
Yeah I see your point, though I gotta start small.

Objective C a "small step"? I hope you know what you're talking about.

Anyway, I found this:

It looks amazing, but it seems that the publisher went out of business, and I can't find it for sale anywhere. Since thats the case, I wouldn't feel bad about pirating it... I'll see what I can do.
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: Silverwind on September 21, 2009, 03:30:45 AM
Though I need your guy's help.
..... I sincerely hope that was a mistype.
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: Gan on September 21, 2009, 07:33:41 AM
Anyway, I found this:
It looks amazing, but it seems that the publisher went out of business, and I can't find it for sale anywhere. Since thats the case, I wouldn't feel bad about pirating it... I'll see what I can do.
That looks really good. If no copies exist for purchase now or in the future, I don't think it'd be illegal to obtain a free copy. Though I'm going to try to contact the author.

..... I sincerely hope that was a mistype.
Yeah, sorry. Typical American lingo. Didn't realize that others may not look at the same way I do... so:
Though I need your help.

Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: GMG Hendo on September 21, 2009, 01:55:43 PM
Suggestion - don't bother learning objective c. It's only good for mac and iPhone apps... I think it's much better to learn a language that is suited to multiple platforms, like C or C++. You don't even need to use Obj-C on the iPhone... you can use C++, and I think someone figured out how to use Haxe.

That is the dumbest reason to not learn a language. That's like saying. Don't bother learning French, you can only use it in a couple countries. Windows is terrible to develop for. Objective-C isn't that hard, it's much better than C/C++

And C++ is hardly for mutliple platforms. Only really abstract software uses C++ on the Mac. All the beautiful apps like Transmission, Coda, FontCase etc. pure Obj-C. Gandolf I reccomend you DO follow through with it. And if you want to invest a bit I highly suggest the book Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X (3rd edition) by Aaron Hillegass. I got it off amazon and it is an amazing book.
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: WarHampster on September 21, 2009, 04:55:44 PM
Sorry Hendo, but read through this list of game engines, and find the ones that work on mac... then check what languages they support.
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: GMG Hendo on September 21, 2009, 05:23:38 PM
Sorry Hendo, but read through this list of game engines, and find the ones that work on mac... then check what languages they support.

Well if you really want to only make Games then fine have fun with C++ go nuts
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: Gan on September 21, 2009, 06:24:28 PM
Well, I want to make both so I guess I'll learn both. Just one at a time with the easier first.

Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: GMG Hendo on September 21, 2009, 06:46:53 PM
And if its ihpone games your interested in. Cocoa is the way forward my friend. Cocoa+OpenGL
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: Gan on September 27, 2009, 03:11:12 PM
Alright... due to the scarcity of Xcode Obj-C graphic tuts, I'll just go the easier route and build for the iPhone.
So many neat tutorials just for the iPhone alone...
I'll post progress eventually.

Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: Silverwind on September 28, 2009, 04:12:33 AM
You can get rich fast developing for the iPhone. I read an article once by a novice game designer who started making $1,000+ a month for a Tetris type game. He said the iPhone market was flowing with milk and honey, as rich businessmen buy iPhone's for their kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews who promptly purchase every app on the App Store and show off their new hip gadget to their friends.

Within a month this guy started receiving checks from Canada, Europe and even Japan! So good luck Gan, perseverance will definitely pay off.
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: WarHampster on September 28, 2009, 08:10:31 PM
Yeah, one app out of the hundreds that go up on the app store every week might get big,
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: Gan on October 03, 2009, 07:19:37 PM
Ooh, those are some pretty nice chances.

Guys, I just realized where to go to learn how to program on the iPhone. I scoured Google with minimal luck and tutorials, I was wondering how everyone learned everything they did... when suddenly... ::) came to me. Turns out that the Apple Developer Connection teaches you everything you need to know about the iPhone. Guess I should of just used the primary source instead of looking for a secondary... or tertiary...
I should be slapped for my stupidity.

Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: WarHampster on October 03, 2009, 08:22:22 PM
Yeah... Apple's tutorials are notoriously terrible.

Feel free to prove this wrong :)
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: Silverwind on October 04, 2009, 03:25:47 AM
Feel free to elaborate.
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: WarHampster on October 04, 2009, 09:35:30 AM
Never mind, thought he was talking about Apple's online tutorials. I haven't heard much about this service... doesn't it cost $200?
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: Gan on October 04, 2009, 01:56:15 PM
Ah, so far on the Apple Developer Connection for iPhone Development, I've only encountered free and amazingly simple services. I'm going through the processes and am just at the first step of learning, the videos they provide for beginners. Then I get to look into coding How-tos, and after that they have source codes to keep me up.

Apple did a wonderful job on showing how to develop for their cellular mobile device.
So far so good, only 2 more hours of iPhone development tutorials to watch!

Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: Gan on October 11, 2009, 07:37:01 PM
Guys, I'm pleased to announce...

My first successful iPhone application:
Move/Rotate the Square (

P.S. This is an extremely large step for me in iPhone game creation. All I need to do now is figure out how to draw images and I'll be able to make a simple RPG. *Cough*hint*Cough*...
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: GMG Hendo on October 13, 2009, 06:51:38 AM
good job mate! Looks great :)
Title: Re: Cocca (objective-C)
Post by: Gnome on October 13, 2009, 08:18:21 PM
Zounds! (I miss the old C & H)

That looks awesome!