I know I haven't been active lately but this challenge was a nice way to restart with making SilverCreator games.
My game uses exactly 5 cards and not only that it also uses exactly 100 lines of code. (I could have miscounted the line thingy, but it still fits the limit of 100 lines per card :O)
I actually made it with SC v1.6 (I'm getting used to it now) but compiled it with v1.5 for those with older versions of OS. Anyway, one to the download and beyond...
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?igdnmwyzzmiIt's just 6MB and includes three version (68k, carbon and ppc, obviously) and a read me file for instructions.
Let me tell you something: there is more to this game than meets the eye, it's a secret. If you know or found out the secret, keep it a secret. Don't you think it's more fun if everyone finds it out on their own?