the chat box doesn't seem to work, and it should be a different chat box, not just the GMG chat thrown in. It's pretty impressive, but needs a whole lot of work.
Things you need to add:
Custom player designs. At least let us pick from male or female, but if you want it to be super awesome, I'd add the choice between elf, human, and dwarf, just like QoM. Seriously I can't tell which player is me.
A player's name above his graphic.
More maps. Like the ability to go in that cave or those houses
Fix the sign post.
Finally add monsters, EXP, different weapons, gold, shops, a PVP, player markets (Where players can sell stuff to other players) and all the other stuff that makes a good MORPG. and start putting up advertisements. Start charging people monthly (for a "Premium Membership") and start a Wiki, and a new forums site. And make a million bucks. (But never mind those last two sentences.)
If you make this way better, it will be the next MORPG that advertises on armorgames and noone has heard of.