Topic:   RealBasic   (Read 32319 times)

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Al Staffieri

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Re: RealBasic
« Reply #30 on: October 25, 2008, 07:38:14 AM »
I always hated being required to initialize all my variables before using them. FutureBASIC never required that, so I never did it. I just used variables as I needed them. Now the new FB requires that I set my variables before using them. It's tme consuming and something I'm not used to doing.


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Re: RealBasic
« Reply #31 on: October 25, 2008, 10:53:41 AM »
If You are good at C, why do you still use GM/SC :-\\
It's one thing to understand C syntax, but quite another to program a game with it.

Code: [Select]

LET tempstr$ = ""
// initalizes a empty string to work with

IF COUNTFIELDS(source$, separator$) < fieldNumber THEN
   STOPALERT "There are not enough fields in that string!"
// if the number of fields seperated by separator$ in source$ are smaller than fieldNumber, then display the message
   IF fieldNumber = 1 THEN
      LET tempstr$ = output$
      FOR x = 2 TO COUNTFIELDS(source$, separator$)
         LET tempstr$ = tempstr$ + separator$ + NTHFIELD$(source$, separator$, x)
// tempstr$ = tempstr$ + separator$ + the field value that comes before the x (x is given values by the loop so every field value is accounted for) occurance of seperator$ in source$
      IF fieldNumber = COUNTFIELDS(source$, separator$) THEN
         FOR x = 1 TO COUNTFIELDS(source$, separator$)-1
            LET tempstr$ = tempstr$ + NTHFIELD$(source$, separator$, x) + separator$
// tempstr$ = tempstr$ + (the field value that comes before the x [x is given values by the loop so every field value is accounted for] occurance of seperator$ in source$)+ separator$
         LET tempstr$ = tempstr$ + output$
         FOR x = 1 to fieldNumber-1
            LET tempstr$ = NTHFIELD$(source$, separator$, x) + separator$
//tempstr$ = (the field value that comes before the x [x is given values by the loop so every field value is accounted for] occurance of seperator$ in source$)+ separator$
         LET tempstr$ = tempstr$ + output$
         FOR x = fieldNumber+1 TO COUNTFIELDS(source$, separator$)
            LET tempstr$ = tempstr$ + separator$ + NTHFIELD$(source$, separator$, x)
// tempstr$ = tempstr$ + separator$ + the field value that comes before the x (x is given values by the loop so every field value is accounted for) occurance of seperator$ in source$
      END IF
RETURN tempstr$

I commented the things that might be hard to understand.


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Re: RealBasic
« Reply #32 on: February 22, 2009, 09:45:58 AM »
When I used to make games in REALbasic a long time ago, the system was pretty slow for games. I would suggest learning a language such as TNT Basic,

- Ghost
are you serious!? tnt is faster than rb?


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Re: RealBasic
« Reply #33 on: February 22, 2009, 12:50:54 PM »
Tnt was made in Obj-C in Xcode. Native to mac, while Rb was made all-purpose with large frameworks to support many systems.



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Re: RealBasic
« Reply #34 on: February 22, 2009, 01:53:59 PM »
For games like yours and mine Eq, RB is faster than we can humanly comprehend. Anyone who says otherwise either makes games that are much higher standard than ours or doesn't make them at all. There's way too much talk these days about how much faster "so-and-so" is compared to "this-and-that", and it's a waste of precious time that could be spent making games.

One of  my friends for example rambles about the pros and cons (mainly the cons) of every medium imaginable, and the result is that he seldom produces anything.
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Re: RealBasic
« Reply #35 on: May 30, 2009, 10:32:22 PM »
Uh, hope you don't mind me making my usual, small, uneducated opinion here;

I think RealBasic is a terrible system for game making. Don't get me wrong, what you can do with the game type objects and commands and such are great, stuff like the spritesurface and RB3DSpace - but how you go about getting it to do anything whatsoever is frustrating. It would be more convenient if you could just drag sprites and images into a playing field and then give them sets of instructions when they hit things/collect power-ups/when the space bar is pressed/etc...

Actually, what I just described was Klik & Play. My god, please forgive me.

Edit: Before someone calls me stupid or "i h8 u" because I just slated RealBasic, I should mention that I'm a big RB fan, and I highly recommend it for any development purpose. Especially networking.

One of  my friends for example rambles about the pros and cons (mainly the cons) of every medium imaginable, and the result is that he seldom produces anything.

That sounds like me as well as every other programmer that ever lived. It's like the Citroen vs Renault argument; you choose one (in this case, a programming language), you stick to it religiously, and you come up with any justification to prove that the other guy's choice is a piece of crap, the end result being that nobody produces anything, and what IS produced is usually just a demonstration of what the other guy can't do. It's like me and my friend David. He's a Python man, and hey, Python is pretty good; but if we sat down next to each other and produced two programs of similar functionality, I'd get it done quicker because I'm using RB and he is using old fashioned interpreted Python: hence, Python MUST be a piece of crap, and my sole reason for using RealBasic is because I have to prove that.

Hmm, for some reason, I feel the need for a bar brawl at a club full of software developers :P
« Last Edit: May 30, 2009, 10:40:32 PM by Telstar5 »


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Re: RealBasic
« Reply #36 on: May 31, 2009, 09:02:56 AM »
Uh, hope you don't mind me making my usual, small, uneducated opinion here;
Nay indeed, the forum needs more posts. Until I get a new computer (sometime this month hopefully) I'll be inactive. Don't let the forum die people, keep posting!

I believe I distort the wording of a Cillet Bang commercial when I say "SPAM! And the boredom's gone..."
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Re: RealBasic
« Reply #37 on: June 01, 2009, 07:07:38 PM »
It would be more convenient if you could just drag sprites and images into a playing field and then give them sets of instructions when they hit things/collect power-ups/when the space bar is pressed/etc...

Wait... what!?


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Re: RealBasic
« Reply #38 on: June 01, 2009, 09:01:17 PM »
Flash uses a similar method.



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Re: RealBasic
« Reply #39 on: June 01, 2009, 09:10:58 PM »
Not really... Telstar described a true "game maker" (IE a program literally makes the game for you)