Topic:   iPhone Project: The In-Game Plan   (Read 99169 times)

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Re: iPhone Project: The In-Game Plan
« Reply #45 on: October 21, 2009, 01:13:25 PM »
Yeah... I'm kinda doing the whole process backwards. Make the maps, players, monsters, then finally the story. The maps, players, and characters can be edited to flow nicely with the story afterwards but the story should  be created after we create our world. Mainly due to the fact that on all group projects when we start with the story, we never seem to get to the actual map, monster, and character making. It's just a new strategy I'm trying, appears to be working so far.
Yeah, I was gonna post that it's a bit backwardish and that I don't think it'll work, but you're absolutely right: nothing we've ever tried has worked, so something new is a safe bet! ;D

Lets keep the magic fragic* guys!

* New word for coming... because it rhymes with magic.
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Re: iPhone Project: The In-Game Plan
« Reply #46 on: October 21, 2009, 04:55:40 PM »
Alright, it's been at least two hours. Moving on to the next phase...


Tireas Dragon

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Re: iPhone Project: The In-Game Plan
« Reply #47 on: October 21, 2009, 05:08:46 PM »
will it be possible for non-iphone/ipod touch users to play your game on their macs?
I must be dreaming (wake up me wake up) How could this have happened. Tireas' cry when he found his computer fallen over in his chair with it's screen shattered.


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Re: iPhone Project: The In-Game Plan
« Reply #48 on: October 21, 2009, 05:16:45 PM »
Only if my next project after this is to learn Obj-C cocoa and try to port it to mac. (Which I may do) Edit: Or if the person who wishes to play has the iPhone simulator which comes with Xcode and also the game source code.

Update: Now enlisting map makers!

« Last Edit: October 21, 2009, 05:29:29 PM by Gandolf »


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Re: iPhone Project: The In-Game Plan
« Reply #49 on: October 21, 2009, 09:56:24 PM »
*Double Post*
35-70 maps seem like a pretty large amount. Do you guys think that's too big? Should we scale that down to 1/2 the size?
How many maps were in QOM Silver?


Tireas Dragon

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Re: iPhone Project: The In-Game Plan
« Reply #50 on: October 21, 2009, 11:53:13 PM »
There was about 100.
I must be dreaming (wake up me wake up) How could this have happened. Tireas' cry when he found his computer fallen over in his chair with it's screen shattered.


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Re: iPhone Project: The In-Game Plan
« Reply #51 on: October 22, 2009, 06:21:16 AM »
Yup, 100 exactly (103 if you count Castle Star Reach).
« Last Edit: October 22, 2009, 06:24:13 AM by Silverwind »
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Re: iPhone Project: The In-Game Plan
« Reply #52 on: October 22, 2009, 07:01:37 AM »
Okay then... I'll leave it be.

I'm now thinking of how the map system should be set up. I'll probablly do it Mistron's way with tiles on the tilesheet, then have txt files with the tile numbers and tile attributes. What do you guys think?

P.S. In that case... I think I'll build a map editor in Netbeans so map makers won't have to edit textfiles and such as it could get a bit confusing.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2009, 07:03:47 AM by Gandolf »


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Re: iPhone Project: The In-Game Plan
« Reply #53 on: October 22, 2009, 07:56:28 AM »
Okay then... I'll leave it be.

I'm now thinking of how the map system should be set up. I'll probablly do it Mistron's way with tiles on the tilesheet, then have txt files with the tile numbers and tile attributes. What do you guys think?

P.S. In that case... I think I'll build a map editor in Netbeans so map makers won't have to edit textfiles and such as it could get a bit confusing.
It sounds cool that way but since there's allot of tiles it might well prove slower. I don't mind myself, I'm just letting you know.

Progress still going good!
« Last Edit: October 22, 2009, 07:56:53 AM by Silverwind »
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Re: iPhone Project: The In-Game Plan
« Reply #54 on: October 22, 2009, 08:59:44 AM »
I recommend using some sort of XML based solution... that way you cam store all the map's relevant information in an easily accessed file system.


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Re: iPhone Project: The In-Game Plan
« Reply #55 on: October 22, 2009, 04:28:42 PM »
Alright, I believe I have a few things straightened out. I put my free(and not so free) time in today's classes to doing something useful, figuring out how to set up the map information and the interface. Here's what I got:

Of course I don't expect you to be able to read my handwriting or understand my little pictures... so I'll explain:
  • Image files shall be named as - Map 1.png
  • Map data files shall be named as - Map 1.txt
  • Here is an example Map data file:

You may notice that this looks the same as the window picture on the piece of paper, it is.
With this form of mapping, you put the map number at the top, then continue down with the tile X:Y. You can skip tiles and it will give those tiles just an empty block. Each attribute is separated by a comma. The attributes are:
B = Block
WTR = Warp to right, meaning that when the player moves right from that tile, it warps to a certain map and X, Y.
WTD = Same as WTR but when the player moves down from the tile.
WTU = Same as WTR but when the player moves up from the tile.
WTL = Same as WTR but when the player moves left from the tile.
NPC = Placing of monsters/characters
SPC = Special attribute where you give the number of which special it is.
SND = Sound or music to play.
ITM = Placing an item Item#:X:Y.
STC = Status change, if we go with another idea I have.
Each tile in the .txt file is separated by a new line.
  • Now I'm wondering about interface styles. Should we have a bar along the top or bottom that status text is written in? Such as "A putrid smell wafts past your nose". Which would also display what NPCs say. Though I'm afraid we wouldn't have room unless we eliminate a tile row. If this wouldn't work, how should we bring up characters talking and certain events happening?

So I have figured out how to set up the mapping system. I will not need to create a program to help people map, instead they just use a Paint program and TextEdit. I'll post a video of making a map in action later.



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Re: iPhone Project: The In-Game Plan
« Reply #56 on: October 22, 2009, 04:52:47 PM »
Sounds alright... BTW we have the same handwriting.


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Re: iPhone Project: The In-Game Plan
« Reply #57 on: October 22, 2009, 05:05:22 PM »
Looks very nice, but mind what I say about the map editor: keep it as simple as possible, because mapping does become a strain (as amazing as it sounds, hehe).
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Re: iPhone Project: The In-Game Plan
« Reply #58 on: October 22, 2009, 05:09:15 PM »
Don't worry about the map editor, it'll only be your favorite paint program and TextEdit.

P.S. Now I guess I'm going to figure out how to expand arrays so their holding size is dynamic.


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Re: iPhone Project: The In-Game Plan
« Reply #59 on: October 22, 2009, 05:37:00 PM »
JavaScript has arrayLists. It might be the same in C.
I survived the spammage of 2007