Your method of developing a plot makes no sense, I'll get off this train before it wrecks and transfer myself to the character development division. You guys do whatever you want and I'll come up with ideas for interesting monsters.
Yeah, I tend to do things backwards or even in strange ways. Whatever gets the job done.
Also, I need some direction on the art... we should come up with an asset list so I can get started. I decided that just redoing silvers stuff in a new style is cheap, and we should come up with new ideas anyway.
Cheap is good, cheap is simple. Though if you'd want to put more work into it, sure I guess we could come up with a few extra things. (For example, a gold item sprite. I'll post the item list Silver gave me, it has nearly everything but for some odd reason it's missing a gold sprite)
Overall level of detail/ style/ realism wanted (an example from another game would be helpful).
Example from another game... hmnmnm.
Yipe SeriesYipe iPhone/Touch GameWhat needs to be animated? I'll make animated templates for stuff so you guys can palette swap them as needed. I think that at least the player's walking should be fully animated...
Wow, animation? That'd take quite a bit of work. I'm thinking that it might be better to use what we have. This is our first iPhone RPG, it doesn't have to be our best. (We can save that for the OpenGL and online iPhone RPG 2) I'm mostly just worried about just getting it out there.
What is the "base tile?" If you're just going to use the generic forest setting then my grass tile should be fine, of course you could be different and set the game in a desert or something. Â
Depends on how the story turns out, but most likely it'll be the forest tile.
How is equipment and stuff going to work? Obviously I need to make icons for the weapons, but will the player's sprite change based on what he's wearing?
Whoa, player sprite changing when equipping? That's probably a bit much. I'll post the item list we have. Also I'm still finishing the inventory/item equipping system.