Well, it's my friend. I played straight through each Half Life game by sitting down for several hours. I think it might be the color thing, the speed at which the character moves, and it's possible it could be the FPS. He's running it on an i7+GT 640 2GB, and it's from 2004. So he's probably maxing out his FPS for a 60 Hz monitor. Being that he uses a laptop, there's no way he can try it conveniently on a 75 Hz monitor. Half Life games tend to have dark scenes followed by bright scenes and lots of contrasting color, but that wouldn't explain motion sickness after just a few minutes walking around the same scene. I doubt it's the view bobbing, because he plays Minecraft and Doom, some of the worst culprits of over-zealous view bobbing. I think the one thing that's weird about this is that many, many people have this problem, but only with Half Life games. I wish I had a professional motionsicknessologist to question. XD