After introducing Terraria to this website, and Gan's amazing server comes another Terraria related idea. An enormous mod library. There's not very mods for terraria, especially compared to minecraft. We all are diffinetly smart enough to add amazing features to this game, and make our own mods, and become the voxlebox of terraria. Thoughts?
If anyone can figure out HOW to mod Terraria that would be pretty amazing. But then we all use Mac so who knows if mods will still work. Not to be pessimistic, it's a good idea.
I got it: Redstone in 2D.
It could be placed in the background and that way it even runs behind walls. It would be tricky but so worth it. We might want a matierial name besides redstone but the mod should be called Electrica? No... Electronica. Mod names should sound like the game's name.
And an option to see all hidden wires would be good.
A simpler mod would be something like Minecraft's Too Many Items which lets you cheat in any item from a visual list. Like a creative mode.
Adventure maps (like pre-built challenges) could be interesting too.