chatrooms are lame, although they probly need one for group projects, those topics are running into 20 pages
Chatrooms are very inconvenient. Have to be all on at the same time... eventually you run out of things to say... then it's as if you're just waiting for someone to think of something to say.
Yeah, shout boxes on the other hand are like the offspring of a strange marriage between forums and chatrooms. What you say sticks, everyone can read it, you can talk to someone in real time or even over a period of time. People can be on whenever to get the memo, not all at the same time.
It's just convenient for time(doesn't have to be scheduled) and speed(posts are all in one spot and they are usually quite short).
Yeah, I'd still love to try that out sometime. Someone arrange a date.
I'm not good with planned events, usually I only plan... a day ahead. Unless there's something massive sticking out in my schedule. So if we plan anything, chances are I'll have something else land on that spot. Though if wanted, I could keep the Gmg chat infinitely open on my Mac so I can catch you guys whenever you're on.