Just a thought, does it have to be Obj-C? I mean the iphone app store opened for some other languages, I don't see why this one can't.
The app stores are native to Obj-C, that is Apple's main language.
The other tools have figured ways to compile apps with IDs and provisioning profiles to look like Obj-C native apps. Those other tools just need to be made to support Mac as they do iPhone and bingo.
I hatehatehate Objective C. Really... this isn't just my rebellion complex speaking here, I think it's syntactically ugly and confusing as hell.
That's so strange. You're repulsed by it and I find it beautiful and elegant. To me it is so much easier than any other language I've ever used. Even better than Sc, Java, Vb.net, and Haskell.
Going down memory lane I realize I tried learning Obj-C right after I learned Sc. No dice. Tried learning after Tnt, no go. Then after Vb.net, no success. It wasn't till I did Java that I was able to grasp at something other than straws. How I learned Obj-C was by going for the iPhone first. It's 10x easier to learn by iPhone than by Mac. Everything's just simpler, then when you switch from iPhone back to Mac you understand and things click.
Mike's Comment
You can sit in front of a book full of latin words and try to write "Mary Had a Little Lamb" in Latin though you aren't gonna get anywhere. You need a coherent dictionary. Sadly Apple's docs were made for the people in the know. They are incomprehensible to normal human beings. If you want to look you gotta google for beginner friendly tutorials and examples that do what you want to do. Then you study that code, experiment and try to replicate the success. Eventually you'll start understanding and connecting the dots.
I agree with Mike on this one.
Objective C is too much to deal with. RB is simple and cross platform. Tick a box for Windows and you're reaching a wider audience (although it's generally better to design the interfaces separately, at least that's what I learned after MemoNet which bombed because it looked and acted like a PC application).
Yeah you are right. RB certainly is much more learner friendly. Xcode expects you to understand. Though Xcode's power exceeds RB's. There are trade offs though in the long run Obj-C is a great language to learn.
So Mike, you want a 5 min hello world message box application tutorial.
Anyone else want a tutorial explaining something?