Topic:   The Quartet   (Read 14963 times)

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Re: The Quartet
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2008, 10:22:02 AM »
This could use a few fixes.

(1) Are you trying to make the guy move when you press an arrow? If so, don't use Raw Key Support. All you have to do is "If left then (command)". That makes it that when you hit the left key, it knows what to do.

(2) What are the white objects for?

« Last Edit: July 19, 2008, 11:05:49 AM by Gandolf »


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Re: The Quartet
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2008, 09:02:41 PM »
Im using "wasd" for navigation, and there to test sprite collisions and pathfinding.

Try copying and pasting the link, its not broken i tested it.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2008, 09:03:02 PM by alias »


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Re: The Quartet
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2008, 04:16:37 AM »
Ok i've given up on Pathfinding, but on the upside the movements and collisions work right, and fast too. Also the AI now works the way i want minus pathfinding obviously. I have also tried making graphics too, i shall work hard to get a demo out in the next week, with real time combat. I can do it (i did it already in GM). And also to show off the engine itself.


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Re: The Quartet
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2008, 04:41:24 AM »
Looking forward to the demo. :) Any graphics finished so far?
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Re: The Quartet
« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2008, 04:31:15 AM »
Heres a demo showing some of the graphics, but mainly it shows real time combat functionality. Atm your character cant die, mainly for testing purposes, also i will soon add health bars and allied NPCs. The way i have coded the engine makes it very easy to add any number of NPCs that can either attack you and your "friends" or friends that attack enemies.

There is one bug that i know of that i cannot fix due to the way sprites are calculated in TNT, its very minor though, sometimes NPCs become immobile on the x or y axis when near an obsticle, they can still move back away when you do and can also attack from all directions, so its not a big deal.
EDIT: I fixed the but by playing around with the INVAL RECT function and changing around a canvas. Ill post the updated version with my next update which will show other types of AI as well as some more graphics the beginning of the main story.

movement - "wasd"
attack - "space bar"
« Last Edit: July 23, 2008, 06:59:56 PM by alias »


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Re: The Quartet
« Reply #20 on: July 23, 2008, 05:32:53 AM »
Wow! Large windowed games are gonna be awesome when 4.0 comes out! :D

Very nice sample indeed Alias, the speed will make the game quite challenging. I like the terrain graphics, and I very much like the player. :)
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Re: The Quartet
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2008, 10:49:44 AM »
Nice start Alias!  It's definitely promising.


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Re: The Quartet
« Reply #22 on: July 23, 2008, 07:01:19 PM »
By the way, to attack you press space. This game is just to tide me over till GM 4 comes out. Now that the engines all made i can start adding content =D.


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Re: The Quartet
« Reply #23 on: July 25, 2008, 11:59:28 PM »
Ill have a new demo out soon, this time you CAN die. atm im trying to add..
-More than 1 area
-A small town
-NPC guards for town and abillity to buy/sell items at town
-You can now die

And thats enough for today, progress is moveing along quite well, the project is almost 1000 lines now, and it will probably double by the time the next demos out.
Also, just out of curiosity, who would be interested in seeing the source code?

UPDATE: I have decided to go open source. And that doesnt mean ive stopped making this game, im just giving the source away to help others. it is still very much under development.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2008, 10:06:53 PM by alias »


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Re: The Quartet
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2008, 05:49:35 AM »
How's progress on this going?
I survived the spammage of 2007


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Re: The Quartet
« Reply #25 on: September 18, 2008, 01:35:44 PM »
How's progress on this going?
Any new development at all?
I survived the spammage of 2007