I'm just gonna make this so I can do some shameless plugs for some of my favorite comics, you guys can do that too... you know... if you wanna...
(I've been a fan of Apple and Kiwi for a while, this is a panel from it, it's pretty much a variety of gags and crazy awesome adventure strips and it's hard to explain so just go read it already)
On a more serious note
Lackadaisy might be my favorite comic ever because it's interesting and has fun characters and it's just so meticulously well-rendered.
This ain't all the comics it's just my faves / one's I've been reading recently:
Gunnerkrigg Court
Dreamkeepers / Prelude
Sandra and Woo
Blaster Nation
Dreamkeepers / Prelude
Order of the Stick
Dreamk- oh sorry already mentioned that