is there any command that lets a variable have multiple values? THat would be so helpful. that way "north" "n" "go n" would all mean the same thing.
No, but what you can do is create a command setting routine that will do it for you. In the GameMaker text adventure sample, after the input code, there is this:
IF command$ = "NORTH" THEN command$ = "N"
IF command$ = "GO NORTH" THEN command$ = "N"
IF command$ = "SOUTH" THEN command$ = "S"
IF command$ = "GO SOUTH" THEN command$ = "S"
IF command$ = "EAST" THEN command$ = "E"
IF command$ = "GO EAST" THEN command$ = "E"
IF command$ = "WEST" THEN command$ = "W"
IF command$ = "GO WEST" THEN command$ = "W"
That way if the player types N, or NORTH, or GO NORTH they will all be set to the same N input. That way you only have to check for N anywhere else. The same for the other commands.