so yeah.... we've been a bit lax in our actual programming. I've been drawing for my game, and havent done programming, until today in science class, when I made a temperature converter. I forgot how fun it was, so here is a programming challenge i'm going to undertake, and I hope all of you will make your own/ critique my work. I'll post tomorrow or the day after
Write a function, where given a string of arbitrary characters, returns true if all brackets (defined as parentheses, square-brackets, curly-braces, and chevrons) are correctly paired and ordered. This is to say that all brackets, if they enclose other brackets, enclose both the paired opening and closing characters.
Formal Inputs & Outputs:
Input Description:
string data - a given string that may or may not have correctly formed brackets.
Output Description:
Return True or False - true if the given string is correctly bracket formed.
Sample Inputs & Outputs:
"123", "(abc)", "()abc()", and "([<{abc123abc}>])" should return true, but "(abc[123)abc]" (wrong pairing) and "(abc>" (not closed) should return false.
This is a very easy problem if you use a specific primitive data-structure.