If you arent lauhing AT the game its not working
So heres the idea November 4 12am-12pm we have a game jam. One game we all work on. Its a simple art game in the style of gregory weir, but with my own spin. Also one level will pretty much by sayobon action. The game will be done in an outrageouse self-paroditical manor. Itll use a level select screen that looks similar to the progression map for ghosts and goblins
The plot is simple. Our hero is a knight named gan who wants some action with a princess named moe (yes jokes will be made thats its a mans name) but theres some asshole named kurt stopping him. The levels will be talked about in depth tommorow, but heres the ideas i have so far
Walking to the castle birds try to poop on you. Sent by the wizard to have to hit A and D to move towards the castle gate
At the gate you have to answer a riddle in the style of the idiot test games. Inside the castle you have to walk up stairs and its a stage with level desigine similar to sayobon action, where things that shouldnt kill you well... Kill you. At the top you see the wizard (kurt is the wizard) and gan and kurt fight, but thebfight is just krt saying your frozen youll never beat me. You have to click him then gan will throw the sword and skewer him. He'll fall dead and then gan get to see the princess on the terrace. He can try to kiss her but she'll throw him off the balcony and credits will role
What do you think?
Any ideas for more level?
Wanna program with me?
I hate graphics