Game Maker's Garage Forum

Game Creation => SilverCreator => Topic started by: GMG Mike on October 25, 2009, 06:15:54 AM

Title: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: GMG Mike on October 25, 2009, 06:15:54 AM

Everyone needs to check this out.

Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: Gan on October 25, 2009, 09:46:40 AM
Whoa. I'm going to try the mini mmo engine on this. If things turn out well, I may just leave Xcode for Sc...

Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: WarHampster on October 25, 2009, 09:56:09 AM
After finishing the iPhone project, I assume?

Anyway it's awesome, thanks Mike!
Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: Gan on October 25, 2009, 10:12:14 AM
Yeah, of course. ;)
The space navigation engine runs extremely fast on this. It's awesome.
Hey Mike, how hard would it be if you could make a function to just draw an image on screen? Without it being a sprite or holding extra data? Ooh... drawing commands to draw shapes and such... *Drools*
Though I'd expect this to take a bunch of recoding of your current system as I don't believe you actually run any runtime code in your drawing method.

Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: Silverwind on October 25, 2009, 10:16:12 AM
Hey Mike, how hard would it be if you could make a function to just draw an image on screen? Without it being a sprite or holding extra data?
What fiendish ingenuity are you planning?
Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: GMG Mike on October 25, 2009, 11:13:37 AM
There is only one way I could reliably support drawing circles and such.

There would be a Paint event, and you would have to do ALL of your drawing there. You can't draw anywhere else, EXCEPT if you are calling a method from the Paint event, then you can draw in the method.

The Paint event would fire right before the runtime is about to draw the screen. This means you could paint some circles, boxes, text, etc. over the final image right before it is drawn.

It would not be too hard to add, and it would open up some new possibilities.
Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: Gan on October 25, 2009, 11:29:09 AM
That would be awesome. :)
Titanium Forge did that for drawing everything and it worked out well. It'd be amazing to use such things in Sc.

Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: GMG Mike on October 25, 2009, 12:13:09 PM
I have a preliminary Paint event implemented, although there are no DRAW commands yet. There is also a Global Paint event. The whole program crashes if you have a runtime error in the Paint event so I need to fix that before I can continue.
Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: Silverwind on October 25, 2009, 12:34:16 PM
So does SC UB compile for windows as well? :)
Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: GMG Mike on October 25, 2009, 12:36:34 PM
So does SC UB compile for windows as well? :)

No. Right now I only have the Personal license which does not compile for Windows (well, it will compile the 10 day / 5 minute time limit programs)

The upgrade costs like $100. You can send donations via PayPal  ;D

Or I may sell the Windows runtime as an add-on for $15 or something like that.
Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: Mystor on October 25, 2009, 12:57:39 PM
That looks sweet, if I still had a mac easily accessible I would look at it right now.

Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: GMG Mike on October 25, 2009, 01:27:41 PM

A little teaser.

EVERYTHING is drawn using new commands. If you run the game again then ticks increases.

You will also be able to specify an image from disk and draw it on screen with a particular scaling. Useful if you just need to show some incidental image. Not recommended for use as a sprite replacement though.
Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: WarHampster on October 25, 2009, 02:01:17 PM
If I send you a hundred bucks will we get a free PC version? I'm completely serious!
Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: Gan on October 25, 2009, 02:15:34 PM
:D This is so awesome. With drawing an image directly to the screen, I can have an infinite(Or near) amount of sprites. To bump up performance of possibly having this as a replacement for sprites, you'd probably need an image variable where you can store images in ram without having to constantly get the same image from the hard drive each time it is viewed.

Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: Mystor on October 25, 2009, 04:26:25 PM
This is very awesome!

While I am not planning on leaving flash for this application (I <3 flash.) I am very excited about it and will definitely (once it is done) suggest it to my friends when they are trying to learn programming.

Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: GMG Mike on October 25, 2009, 07:25:49 PM
If I send you a hundred bucks will we get a free PC version? I'm completely serious!

A Windows Runtime, or a Windows IDE (complete port of SilverCreator to Windows)?

A Windows Runtime is fairly easy to do because every so often, I have brought the runtime code up to date to run on Windows. So it would only take me maybe 5 hours of work I think, to get a pretty good Windows Runtime. This would let you compile into Windows EXE games. If you donated $100 I would buy the REALbasic upgrade and make the runtime for free.

A Windows IDE (actual SilverCreator program) would be very difficult. The IDE is very deeply a Mac program, it is still using Resource Forks for example. I would not even attempt this until v2.0 was released and some bug fix releases came out too, so basically not until v2.1 - and then it would probably be the only main feature of v2.1 because of all the work involved!
Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: GMG Mike on October 25, 2009, 07:31:55 PM
:D This is so awesome. With drawing an image directly to the screen, I can have an infinite(Or near) amount of sprites. To bump up performance of possibly having this as a replacement for sprites, you'd probably need an image variable where you can store images in ram without having to constantly get the same image from the hard drive each time it is viewed.


It should not be used as a replacement of sprites. If you really need more sprites all I have to do is change a few variables and I can increase the max onscreen sprites. If that's all you need just let me know and I will double the sprites.

What this is perfect for is - replacing little piss sprites, that were just a square or whatever anyway, or write dynamic text on screen like a heads up display. The plan is that you will be able to bundle fonts with the compiled game somehow (probably have to manually edit the bundle) so you can use custom fonts for a HUD.

Theoretically you could write an entire game using just paint if you wanted! I will be adding a DRAWSCREEN command or something like that which you can use in a TIMER to constantly draw the screen.
Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: WarHampster on October 25, 2009, 08:11:01 PM

A Windows Runtime, or a Windows IDE (complete port of SilverCreator to Windows)?

A Windows Runtime is fairly easy to do because every so often, I have brought the runtime code up to date to run on Windows. So it would only take me maybe 5 hours of work I think, to get a pretty good Windows Runtime. This would let you compile into Windows EXE games. If you donated $100 I would buy the REALbasic upgrade and make the runtime for free.

A Windows IDE (actual SilverCreator program) would be very difficult. The IDE is very deeply a Mac program, it is still using Resource Forks for example. I would not even attempt this until v2.0 was released and some bug fix releases came out too, so basically not until v2.1 - and then it would probably be the only main feature of v2.1 because of all the work involved!

I PMed you about this on the Plaza.
Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: GMG Mike on October 26, 2009, 08:46:53 AM
Windows Runtime requires only a small amount of work to bring up to par. Here is a screenshot taken today after just 30 minutes of work:

The actual game part runs just fine. One small tweak is needed to get the entire screen covered up, and then support has to be added for hiding the title bar on Windows, and then some extensive testing. The largest obstacle is the price of the upgrade for REALbasic.
Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: GMG Mike on October 27, 2009, 01:54:32 AM

REALbasic-style Auto Complete for scripting commands.

Are you excited yet??
Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: Telstar5 on October 27, 2009, 05:36:34 AM
This is awesome.
Title: Re: Very Important: New SC Universal Build
Post by: WarHampster on October 27, 2009, 07:28:52 AM
Incredibly awesome  ;D